Pam is Talking Joy with Personal Energy Strategist, Dr. Sandra Y Lewis

Dr. Sandra Lewis says that nature teaches us balance and as we head into the fall there are going to be things we need to let go of—and whatever we release will become fertilizer.

—The Talking Joy Podcast Interview with host Pam Rotelle Robertson


Dr. Sandra Y. Lewis, Personal Energy Strategist™, and Author of Life in 4-Part Harmony ~ Get Everything in Your Life to Work with Everything Else in Your Life serves high-achieving women professionals who want to recover from or prevent burnout, stress, and anxiety. As a clinical psychologist, yoga teacher, and Qigong practitioner with years of clinical, teaching, and consulting experience, Dr. Sandra has a unique ability to blend evidence-based strategies and ancient wisdom into a practical formula for sustainable success and fulfillment.



The Living Source is here to help you get your flow and keep it going. Our Life In 4-Part Harmony method is designed to help you find your rhythm and stay in tune. No matter what happens around us or what life demands of us, we are an infinite power source. Yes, it's the power to make things happen. To create. To get what we need.

But equally important as funding our ability to do things, this power gives us the ability to know. To know we have what we need. It's the deep-down knowing that helps us stay focused, stay present in any circumstance. In this place of knowing and presence, we access our connection to the universal power source. We connect with everything we need to be who we came to the world to be, to fulfill our purpose.

Sandras clients are dedicated, high achieving women who get things done, but often sacrifice themselves in the process. They are ready to:

•     Put an end to days that leave them feeling drained, emotionally and physically exhausted, and/or so tired they can't wind down
•     Clear brain fog, mental fatigue, and excessive worrying
•     Free themselves from troublesome feelings of anxiety and being overwhelmed
•     Recover and reignite their motivation and creativity in their career
•     Navigate their roles and responsibilities feeling the way they want to feel
•     Create a daily rhythm that works for them

Dr. Sandra works with women to transform fatigue, anxiety, and/or overwhelm into energy to reclaim their lives, passion, and joy. Women build resilience and recharge their ability to:

•     Take action on the goals and life vision that inspires them
•     Sustain the self-care and lifestyle practices that protect their well-being
•     Clarify their values and purpose and craft a heart-based mission statement
•     Access their thoughts and emotions as powerful resources for creating what they want in their lives
•     Make their unique purpose-driven impact in their careers, families, and communities
•     Use their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual resources to create well-rounded, satisfying lives where they are bringing their best to the people and projects that matter to them

 Life In 4-Part Harmony is based on Maat, ancient yet timeless wisdom science. The people of Kemet, now called Egypt, identified her as the force of nature that creates and sustains harmony in the universe and in our lives. I think of her as the force that makes sure everything works with everything else.

The first thing we learn from Maat is that it takes energy to keep it all together. She provides us with the laws and guidelines to make that happen.

Maat gives us a powerful formula for creating the highest quality life. Practicing four core principles of Maat helps us bring our best to what matters most and create the life we want to live. EVERY. DAY.

By now, you may have completely revamped your 2020 plans. A global health pandemic and the ongoing racism pandemic have rearranged daily life and motivated us to re-examine what we value.

Life is asking more of us than we may have ever imagined. We’re feeling it in the tension in our bodies and the distraction in our minds. Our emotions have been a roller coaster ride with peaks of fear, frustration, anger, confusion, grief, and exhaustion.

How do you respond to unimaginable, unpredictable, and uncertain circumstances so that you thrive through the challenges? You take time to strengthen and renew your resilience. One of the ways Sandra has been doing this is with her:


Welcome to my “Self-care Discoveries”. I’ll share a little about things I learn and fall in love with as I take care of myself every day.

Today, two words came to me during my morning meditation.

#enough ~ I am enough & #transformation.

Whenever something catches my attention during my walk, I thought about how it deepens my understanding of these words.

1. What do you appreciate about yourself?

2. I know some say that #balance is like a lover that plays hard to get. But as Rumi said, “What you seek is seeking you”.

There are multiple pathways that we can take to find #balance. Which one or ones might work for you?

3. Welcome to my walk. I woke up full of love. Love was the first word that came to me. It set the tone for a great day.

Today, the word #powerful came through during my morning meditation. So, I decided to share one of my favorite stories an power.

Whenever something caught my attention during my walk, I thought about how it deepened my understanding of #powerful


Don't Go Back To Sleep
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don't go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don't go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don't go back to sleep. 

~ Rumi translated by Coleman Barks
From Essential Rumi

Pam Rotelle Robertson