Talking Joy Moms: A Candid Conversation

What to do when you get that call from the school letting you know someone in your daughters class has tested positive for Covid? Suddenly your freedom is taken away again…you can’t see your friends, you cant go to school, no sports, Halloween, etc. This can leave us feeling shamed and pressured by other parents. 

Eight months into the pandemic, managing life has been emotionally taxing. We are experiencing the second wave of Covid. It is now in the elementary schools, we are worried about the election and the uncertainty of the coming winter months. We are talking about managing our fears, missing our extended families more than ever-- especially around the holidays. 

Even though every day feels the same and we find ourselves bored—listen in to hear how the Talking Joy moms are finding pleasure in the small things and keep a positive spin on things.

Book Mentioned: Think Like a Monk: Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day by Jay Shetty

Pam Rotelle Robertson