There Has Never Been a Better Time To “get spiritual" with These Self-Care Tips!


What on earth does that mean? The word spiritual is described as, “relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.” This is exactly what I believe, spirituality can relate to everyone no matter your beliefs or past experiences. Spirituality doesn’t mean religion—it is care of the spirit.

And if you are alive and reading this, it means you have a spirit that might need some extra care!

So, let’s start taking better care of our spirits! I believe that that becoming “spiritual” means putting ourselves first, being selfish. Yup, I want you to stop what you are doing and practice some loving kindness toward yourself. You can’t drink from an empty cup and you certainly can’t pour anything out for others if you don’t fill yourself up first! 

How I am caring for myself? I get asked this question a lot. What books do I recommend for inspiration? What spiritual practices do I apply to my own life? Where do I find comfort and peace during these trying times?  

Here are a few of my favorite self-care tips!

1. Repeat a Word.

Find a word or phrase that you can repeat to yourself throughout the day that will become your mantra. “All is well” or “I am love” are a few of my favorites. If you are driving around in your car, every time you get to a red traffic light, take a deep breath and repeat your word or phrase. It’s that simple! You are layering a spiritual practice onto something you are already doing. Over time these words or affirmations will go from something you are thinking in your head to living in your heart. Here’s a book recommendation to help get you started: My Pocket Mantras

Tip: Don’t try to do everything at once. This is a process and the slower you go, the longer-lasting the positive effects on your spirit!

2. Spend Time in Nature.

Spend time outside in nature. If you are working from home these days, chances are you don’t spend enough time outside. I have a client that works in New York City, she is in her apartment all day long working from home. To get outside she needs to intentionally set a timer for herself. Get up, go outside for 10-15 minutes halfway through the day for a walk, and just breathe. Take in the sights and sounds. When you get back inside to your desk check in with your body. “How am I feeling right now?” I believe that this little re-set in the midst of your day will be a much welcomed form of self-care. Check out this book if you see an animal cross your path in nature: Animal Speak

Tip: If you start this practice and you skip a day, be sure to “check-in” with yourself and see how and if you are missing this opportunity to rejuvenate your spirit.

3. Read something inspirational.

I am a huge fan of wise words from great thinkers. When I read an inspirational quote, it has the power to shift my perspective by giving me insight into a problem or a worry I might be having. This simple practice takes seconds to read, but has the power to change your life!

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Meredith’s Jars of Joy! (discount below!)

Tip: Place a jar of quotes by your coffee pot. Every morning when you pour yourself a cup, grab a quote from the jar and read the words on the tiny slip of paper. Tuck it in your pocket or tape it to your wall as a reminder of its encouragement throughout the day!

Purchase a jar at Meredith’s Jars of Joy Shop Page

Use this code for a discount: TalkingJoy

Simple, joyful, fun!

-Pam xx

Pam Rotelle Robertson