Take A Break This Summer!

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What things will you do this summer that will slow your pace? Columbia University Professor, Susan Krauss Witbourne says, “taking a break puts you in a different frame of mind, gets you out of standard patterns and can give you more time with family.”

On our latest podcast, Going Barefoot with the Talking Joy Team, I invite you to become freer and more engaged with your family this summer. Try taking your shoes off, going on a gratitude walk, or sliding down the water slide at the pool. Often, we let everyday tasks get in the way of living the simple pleasures of the summer months. Take a listen to our conversation and get inspired to go out and make lasting memories with the ones you love!

Spiritual Practices for Summer

Summer is a time of year when our energy is at its fullest. It is a time abuzz with energy and activity, parties and celebrations when nature and everything in it is in full bloom. Don’t let the busyness of summer get in the way of honoring the season. [1]

Spirituality can be defined as the way you might seek or express meaning and purpose in your life. It is how you connect to the present moment, to others, and to the Sacred. Spiritual practices offer you tangible ways to get there that can be physically and emotionally helpful for your wellbeing. [1] (Adapted from Spirituality and Religion 2015)

Set Intentions for Summer:

  1. Search for gold - Gold is the color of summer. Fill your home with flowers that reflect this color known for healing.

  2. Create an alter - Honor the season by creating an alter in your kitchen or bedroom with seasonal items as a way to give thanks.

  3. Say Hello to Beauty - I love this phrase! Ask the question, “where did you see beauty today?” This always makes people pause and want to share something they saw in nature.

  4. Take a Nap - Go use that hammock in your yard and take a 10 minute nap.

  5. Go Barefoot - Kids know how to do this! Take your shoes off…it is good for your skin touch the earth!

  6. Wasting Time - Wasted time is good for the soul.

  7. Collect heart shaped rocks - Team member Jennifer has a large collection of heart shaped rocks. Her birthday is Valentine’s day! To display her large collection she put them in a display box that she sees every morning in her bathroom.

  8. Float in water - When I float in water there is a felt sense of being held by something greater than myself. All the outside noise falls away as I am carried and held with my face toward the sky.

  9. Shop local farmers markets - So much of the food we eat is available most of the year, but there is nothing like fresh vine ripe tomatoes and cucumbers in the summer!

  10. Cook and eat outside[1] - Gather with family outside as much as you can. The summer months go by so quickly.

    After the peak of summer the energy shifts to letting go. I have a daughter leaving for college in late August, I want to spend as much time as possible around the table as a family this summer—savoring every moment together. [1] (Adapted from Spirituality and Practice 2017)

Go check out the latest podcast episode here, Going Barefoot with the Talking Joy Team!

Happy Summer!

Simple, joyful, fun.

-Pam xx

Pam Rotelle Robertson